Frequently Asked Questions
Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs)
It is a type of business structure with many features of a traditional partnership, but it exists as a separate legal entity liable for its own debts. It also offers limited personal liability to its members (partners).
A minimum of two members are required for LLP company formation. There is no maximum number of members for a LLP, and members are not required to be UK residents.
LLPs offer a number of benefits for profit-making businesses, such as limited liability for business debts, a flexible management structure, more flexible options for distribution of profits, and each member paying income tax on their profits rather than corporation tax.
LLPs are similar to limited companies because they are subject to aspects of company law and provide limited liability to their members; however, they also offer the benefits of a traditional partnership, such as income tax liability rather than corporation tax, and they are more flexible in regards internal structure, distribution of profits and members’ rights. Unlike a limited company, a LLP does not have a memorandum or articles of association. A LLP is governed by the Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000 rather than the Companies Act of 2006.
A LLP structure is used by professionals who typically set up as a partnership (such as doctors, solicitors, and accountants), but who require the protection that limited liability provides.
A LLP is treated as an ordinary partnership for tax purposes. The members pay income tax on their share of profits. The partnership itself is not liable for tax. Most partners will set themselves up as self-employed and register for self-assessment income tax.
LLPs offer a flexible management structure which gives members the opportunity to distribute rights, responsibilities and profits however they see fit. If any aspects of the partnership are divided unequally, it is advisable to have a Partnership Agreement in place stipulating these details.
Yes, a corporate body can be a partner of a LLP, but any profits it makes will be liable for corporation tax rather than income tax.
A LLP is subject to the same rules as a limited company, and must send a confirmation statement and annual accounts to Companies House. At least two members must be named as ‘designated members’ and bear the responsibility of filing annual accounts and returns. Individual members are responsible for paying income tax on their share of company profits. The partnership itself is not liable for corporation tax or any other tax.
This is a written agreement between partners detailing their rights, responsibilities and share of profits. It is not a legal requirement for a LLP to have such an agreement, but in the case of unequal division of profits and rights, it is advisable to have one drawn up.
To form a LLP through Companies House, you must have a minimum of two members and a UK registered office address in the same jurisdiction as incorporation. This must be a physical address where official mail can be delivered and legal notices served. Inland Revenue must be informed of a LLP’s existence and an annual partnership tax return is required. One member is nominated to take responsibility for these requirements. A LLP structure cannot be used for non-profit purposes, as it is a requirement that it is formed with the intention of making profit.
Yes, as a Companies House e-filing partner, we can set up your Limited Liability Partnership. By selecting our LLP formation package, your partnership will usually be registered by Companies House within 3 to 6 working hours, although sometimes it may take a little longer. We can also provide a free Partnership Agreement should one be required.