Making it Happen

When you’ve assessed your readiness for export, researched the international markets with the biggest opportunities, prepared yourself and your employees through training, and built local market relationships, it’s time to make your export business happen. In this stage of the Export Journey, you can find out how British Chambers can help make it happen.

Finance for your Export Business

Money makes the world go round, especially when you’re looking to grow your business around the world. British Chambers can offer advice on potential avenues for export finance, as well as the practical aspects of important considerations around payment methods and foreign currency exchange.

Getting Goods to Market

Shipping products, and even providing services, can be a complex process – something as small as getting the paperwork wrong can lead to delays and, potentially, lost business. British Chambers and our partners are well positioned to advise on customs documentation, and other important aspects of getting goods to market.

Growing Your International Business

With a well-planned strategy in place and an effectively executed plan, there’s no reason why your export business shouldn’t get off to a flying start. You’ll soon be thinking about growth and becoming more established in your target overseas markets – British Chambers can help you along the way.

While it is essential to identify and research those overseas market offering the greatest potential for your business, equally important is taking a realistic view about the readiness of your own organisation for embarking on international trade. Ensuring that you have the appropriate resources, knowledge and skills in place is key, and British Chambers can help you in your assessment.